How long does it take to get my Interlibrary loan item and how long can I keep the item?


Requests are usually processed within one business day. Articles and book chapters sent over the internet may arrive in as little as 1 to 3 days. Delivery of books, CDs, and other physical items generally takes 7-12 business days. If you plan to request physical items, please take the delivery time into account. If it is too long for your needs, consider requesting articles.

Articles are yours to access for 30 days.

The loan period will usually be three weeks from the date received, but media items may be less. Please pick items up as soon as possible at the Check-out desk in Reed Library, after you are notified of their arrival as they are returned to the lending library after 7 days.

Renewals on Interlibrary loan items are at the discretion of the lending library and may not be available. If you need a title longer, please contact at least 7 days before your item is due so we can contact the lending library to try to request a renewal.


  • Last Updated Jan 18, 2021
  • Views 55
  • Answered By Charlene -

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