How can I find eBooks?



You can watch our ebook search tutorial or follow the instructions below.

Start Searching the ebook collections by looking in Reed Library's catalog, and the EBSCO ebook database.

1. To search for ebooks in the catalog, first click on the “Catalog” tab above the search bar on the Reed Library homepage.

2. Next, type the topic or title you are interested in searching for. To make sure the only results you see are available electronically, choose “ebook” under the “Format” on the left side of the page. 

If you are not finding what you are looking for in the catalog, try the EBSCO ebook database.

1. On the Reed Library homepage, click on the “Databases” tab above the search bar.

2. From the alphabetic list, click the letter “E.” EBSCO ebooks should be the first database listed.

3. Try your topic again in this search bar, and you may discover a few additional titles.

4. Access these books by clicking the title and checking the top left corner for options.




  • Last Updated Jan 25, 2021
  • Views 16
  • Answered By Charlene -

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